
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Politics: Rush Limbaugh: Fox 'Caved' on Shirley Sherrod

Rush Limbaugh is blasting Fox News for its coverage of Shirley Sherrod, saying that one of the network's anchors “caved” by not showing the original misleading video fragment that led to the firing of Shirley Sherrod. [Emphasis added].

The video, posted and promoted by Andrew Breitbart as a display of racism, was a sensation in conservative corners of the internet, but Fox News host Shepard Smith explained Wednesday that his show had decided to not show the video.

“We on Studio B did not run the video and did not reference the story in any way for many reasons,” Smith said. “Among them: We didn't know who shot it, we didn't know when it was shot, we didn't know the context of the statement, and because the history of the videos on the site where it was posted. In short-we did not and do not trust the source.”

On his show Thursday, Limbaugh blasted Smith for not showing the video, suggesting that Smith only showed restraint because he didn't have the “guts” to show it.

“This regime is tribalizing this country,” he said. “They are dividing this country. It's not just enough to say that they are dividing us. They are tribalizing this country. We aren't Americans anymore. We're all members of different racial tribes, and we are to be pitted against each other: Black Americans, White Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans. We're all being divided up racially, by tribes.”

For more, see Rush Limbaugh: Fox 'Caved' on Shirley Sherrod by Andy Barr, July 23, 2010, at Politico.

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