
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Healthcare: Health Care Spending Will Continue Rising, but Modestly

In a new report that's sure to provide fresh ammunition to both sides of the health reform debate, a government estimate released today finds that the new health reform law will not curb the rising costs of care once it takes effect but will not substantially raise them either.
More than 32 million people will get new coverage under the law, according to the estimate.
According to the actuaries, Americans will spend an average of $13,652 per person a year on health care in 2019. Without the health care reform law, they said, about $13,387 would have been spent per person. Overall, health care will cost about $265 more per American under the health care overhaul.

For more, see Study: Health Care Spending Will Continue Rising, but Modestly by Betty Ann Bowser, September 9, 2010, at PBS.

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