
Friday, August 6, 2010

Politics: Who Is Meg Whitman?

Exhibit A for the Death of Truth is Her Megness, eMeg Whitman herself.

Let's be clear: Krusty the General (Gandolf) Brown and his Merry Pranksters in Oakland are guilty of their own special brand of spin. But it's pretty much your normal, basic campaign (wink-wink) re-framing like you'd get from Gov. Schwarzmuscle, President Oybama or Golden Gate Feinstein.

Brown has failed to level with voters about how he'd deal with the state budget (we think he'd shift all the responsibility for services back to cities, counties school districts, with a local option to raise taxes, and get the locals off the state's books), among most other issues. But his guy Sterling Clifford has a point when he argues that “Meg Whitman is trying to paper over her lies and deceptions with dollar bills.”

Indeed, when it comes to killing truth, eMeg is miles ahead in felony flip-floppery. The pro-Brown California Working Families tried to drive that point home last week with the release of an online ad titled “Lies.” detailing just a few recent examples of Megspeak:

— She was for double furloughs for state employees before she was against furloughs altogether.

— She was for a path to citizenship before she knew what it meant, and then she was vehemently against it, before she declared herself aligned with Brown, who's for it.

— She was for sending state agents into work places to hunt down and arrest illegal immigrant workers until she decided she was against that (probably illegal) idea.

— She was against extending benefits to children of illegal immigrants (like admission to state universities and colleges) before she was . . . wait, maybe she's still against that, but OK with letting illegal immigrant offspring get treated at a hospital.

— In the primary she said, “We have to prosecute illegal aliens and criminal illegal aliens in all of our cities in every part of California.” Now she says, “What has bothered Latinos for too long is the harsh rhetoric around the immigration debate. Too often, the debate has been tinged with hurtful words signaling intolerance or worse to many Latinos.”

If a candidate changes his or her position from A to B, he or she can be accused of flip-flopping (or changing his or her mind). What makes the Whitman campaign's changes so special is that her paid mouthpieces are out there insisting that eMeg has NOT changed her position one iota. She's entirely consistent and not a rank opportunist, they argue.

Calbuzz has been harping on this lack of truthiness by the Whitman camp for some time, and we've catalogued a partial list of prevarications. But where are the other non-partisan voices willing to hold Meg's feet to the fire? Why isn't every editorial page and columnist in the state thundering with indignation, instead of equating Brown's admittedly infuriating avoidance of staking clear positions on policy with Whitman's corporate style, black-is-white daily deceits and deceptions?

The beyond standard quantum limit nature of Whitman's spending so far has enabled her, like no California candidate in history, to take advantage of Calbuzzer Mark Twain's timeless dictum: “A lie can run around the world six times while the truth is still trying to put on its pants.”

For more, see The Death of Truth: Emeg and the Politics of Lying, July 19, 2010, at Calbuzz.

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