
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Religion: Thinking About God Calms Believers, Stresses Atheists

Researchers have determined that thinking about God can help relieve anxiety associated with making mistakes. However, the finding only holds for people who believe in a God.

The researchers measured brain waves for a particular kind of distress response while participants made mistakes on a test.

Those who had been prepared with religious thoughts had a less prominent response to mistakes than those who hadn't.

“Thinking about religion makes you calm under fire. It makes you less distressed when you've made an error,” says Inzlicht.

“We think this can help us understand some of the really interesting findings about people who are religious. Although not unequivocal, there is some evidence that religious people live longer and they tend to be happier and healthier.”

Atheists shouldn't despair, though. “We think this can occur with any meaning system that provides structure and helps people understand their world.” Maybe atheists would do better if they were primed to think about their own beliefs, he says.

From Thinking About God Calms Believers, Stresses Atheists by Rick Nauert Phd, August 5, 2010, at Live Science.

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