
Friday, April 16, 2010

Economics: Limbaugh & Kudlow Expect a V-Shaped Recovery

Rush says ...

Sometimes, you have to take off your political lenses and look at the actual statistics to get a true picture of the US economy's health. Right now, those statistics are saying a modest cyclical rebound after a deep downturn could be turning into a full-fledged, V-shaped recovery boom by year's end. I'm aiming this thought especially at many conservative friends who seem to be trashing the improving economic outlook -- largely, it would appear, to discredit the Obama [regime].

Anyway, "The current reality is that a strong rebound in corporate profits (the greatest and truest stimulus of all), ultra-easy money from the Fed and some small stimuli from government spending are working to generate a stronger-than-expected recovery." This is Larry Kudlow of CNBC, a noted conservative.

See And Then There's Larry Kudlow by Rush Limbaugh, April 12, 2010.

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